Make an Offer

Use this form to make on offer on one of the properties on our website. Once we receive your offer, someone from our office will contact you to discuss your offer in greater detail. Please make your offer considering the buyer paying all closing costs associated with this transaction (Deed Stamps, Title Insurance, Title Search and Exam Fee, and Closing Attorney Fee).  Any liens, delinquent property taxes, and pro rated taxes will be paid for by the seller at closing.

NOTE: Submitting your offer online (even for full price) does not constitute a Purchase and Sale Agreement. It is only your intent to purchase the property, and the purchase price that you’re offering to buy the house for.  We’ll still need to get together to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Collect a Binder Deposit (Minimum $1000) to take the property off the market.

Offer to Purchase Real Estate
Your Full Name   :
Your Email Address   :
Best Contact Phone #   :
Which Property Are You Interested In?   :
Enter Your Purchase Price $   :
How Soon Can You Close?   :
How Will You Purchase The Property?   :
Additional Terms or Comments   :